Close Puts away the current document. You may also click the close box in the upper left corner of the document title bar. If you have made changes, an alert box offers you a chance to save these changes before the document is closed. To close a folder window, click the close box in the upper left corner of the folder title bar. Save Saves changes to the active document. If the current document has not been saved before, choosing “Save” is the same as choosing the “Save as...” command. Save As... Saves the current document on the disk you specify and with a new name. When you choose “Save as...”, a dialog box appears. Choose the drive on which you want to save the document, then type a name for it. Press “Return” or click on the “Save” button to save the document. If the name is already used for some other file in the folder, an alert will warn you. Revert to Saved Displays an alert asking if you want to revert to the last version saved. If you click on “OK” the data added after you saved the document will be erased.